The Border Collie

The Border Collie is a tenacious, hard working sheepdog bred for many generations for his brain & mental & physical capacity.

The Border Collie is arguably the most intelligent & versatile breed of dog in the canine sphere.

He can be seen excelling at many disciplines – the Border Collie Club of Great Britain wishes to support & encourage the Border Collie in his many aspects, including Health (see Health section for more details).

Show Border Collie Herding Test

In 2019 the Kennel Club reviewed the Rules and Guidelines for the Show Border Collie Herding Test (SBCHT). A limited version of a sheepdog trial, the purpose of the Herding Test is to safeguard the future development of the Border Collie by emphasising the importance of the breed's natural herding ability.
A Border Collie achieving Show Champion status in the breed ring, also needs to succeed at the Herding Test before being made up to a full Champion. However, any KC registered Border Collie may take the Herding Test.
The latest version of the SBCHT Rules & Guidelines (updated October 2023) can be viewed here <SBCHT>.

BCCGB Brochures

The following brochures provide more information on our breed; click on the title to view:-

<A Dog For All Reasons>

<Colours Of The Border Collie>

<Puppy Hints And Tips>

Getting Started In ...

The Kennel Club has produced a series of 'Getting Started In ...' videos for those who are interested in knowing more about various dog activities.
The videos can be viewed on the KC Youtube channel by clicking the links below:-

Getting Started In Dog Showing with Charlotte-Louise Page & Alex Paisey <link>

Getting Started In Agility with Anthony Clarke <link>

Getting Started In Obedience with Voirrey Horne <link>

Getting Started In Heelwork To Music with Ashleigh Butler <link>

About us

The inaugural meeting of the Border Collie Club of Great Britain took place on the 6th August, 1973. 45 years on, the club remains the premier Border Collie breed club in the UK.