There are numerous advantages in becoming a member of the premier Border Collie Club in the UK including: reduced entry fees, yearbook advertising, free club newsletter etc.
To become a member of the Border Collie Club of Great Britain simply click this <link> and complete the form. Then return it to us at the address stated with the appropriate fee.
If you wish to pay by standing order, you will need to take another copy of the form to your bank, ensuring that you put your name as the payment details.
Membership Renewal
Members are reminded that subscriptions are due on 1 January each year and should be paid by 1 May at the latest in order that membership does not lapse.
Please send your payment to the Treasurer, Nik Knight, whose contact details are on the membership form, or alternatively set up a standing order or pay by bank transfer.
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About us
The inaugural meeting of the Border Collie Club of Great Britain took place on the 6th August, 1973. 45 years on, the club remains the premier Border Collie breed club in the UK.